Home Remedy for Premature Grey Hair Using Virgin Organic Coconut Oil

Make sure that you ear a balanced diet, your meals should include fresh fruit and veg. Avoid excess caffeine in your diet and stay away from fizzy drinks. Get the appropriate amount of sleep, avoid stress and practice calming techniques such as yoga or meditation. Maintain a good exercise routine.

Now for the home remedy that I found...  

Step 1.

Massage the juice of one lemon into your hair. Leave this on for half an hour.

Step 2.

Massage warm Virgin Organic Coconut Oil into you scalp.

Step 3.

Leave on for an hour

Step 4.

Wash out

Step 5.

Use a natural  organic shampoo or a henna shampoo on hair

I have no idea how well this works, but it seems very straightforward - worth a try.

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