Psoriasis is a fairly common inflammatory skin condition. It is non-contagious and affects around 125 million people across the world.
There isn’t a cure for psoriasis but it is controllable with lifestyle changes and medication.
Psoriasis signs and symptoms:
Psoriasis sufferers have red or pink areas of raised and scaling skin. These areas are often thick and sore and they can also appear as flattened bumps across the skin.
Generally patches appear on the scalp, knees and elbows, but this may vary from person to person and flair-ups can be found on any area of the body.
Psoriasis is quite spontaneous. Symptoms can get better or worse and even go into periods of remission, leaving the sufferer with clear skin for a time. It isn’t unusual for psoriasis to disappear for years.
Lifestyle tips:
Some believe that psoriasis can be triggered by environmental factors as well as gene inheritance. Stressful periods or an injury to the skin are thought to be key points where psoriasis can start, although this isn’t currently medically proven.
Sufferers can get relief using creams, lotions, and sprays. More severe sufferers may use topical creams, specific steroid injections, ultraviolet light treatments or even systemic medications to treat the condition.
For day-to-day treatment, keeping skin moisturised can alleviate some symptoms. Using a thick, chemical-free product, works to keep moisture within the skin, helping to soothe dry patches and prevent flaking.
Taking good care of all your skin and treating bumps, grazes and cuts as soons as they happen, can stop infections from further spreading psoriasis to different areas of the body.
Diet tips:
If your psoriasis flare ups happen often, or increasingly, changing your diet might help to calm them.
Eating plenty of omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish such as mackerel or salmon, can reduce inflammation throughout the body. Foods that are rich in vitamins A and D also help to protect skin and rebuild healthy skin cells, which is particularly important for those with psoriasis. Plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in these vitamins.
Akoma recommends:
Psoriasis sufferers benefit from moisturisers with a high vitamin content. Akoma Shea Butter has unrivalled properties for improving a skin issues like psoriasis or eczema. This is due to its principal fatty acids, meaning the butter has increased levels of vitamin A and E along with considerable amounts of antioxidants. These help to deeply soothe sore patches of psoriasis and protect against further damage in future.
Akoma Apricot Butter is another product rich in healing vitamins. It is an effective anti-ageing moisturiser as it gives the skin pure vitamin A. For those with psoriasis, apricot butter creates a non-greasy barrier that cleanses pores and acts as a barrier against pollutants.